
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Something Amazing.

"I love you so much. I love that you think about these things. I love that you planned all this. I love that you made me feel so happy that I cried. For me. Thank you. All of you."


Oh my.

Holy cow! (Thats a first.)

You would never believe what happened... to me(!)

Okay okay, let me tell you from the start. I posted a few days ago (Tuesday) that it was my (16th) birthday. Yeah. It was really boring 'cause school started the Wednesday (not for me but I'll get to that topic later) and my friends couldn't stay long. Psh. Whatever. So anyhow, I went with my friend to a barbeque/braai for the rest of the day. Her sister just started High school, I was super excited for her.
I ended up by her house and I said something random like "lets put some make up on?" and we did. She said why don't we go to my house and take pictures (I just got a cool camera) but I was like "my sisters there... and she'll also want to take pictures... that is no fun." But we ended up going and then I saw a lot of cars in our driveway and I said "Im so not gonna take pictures with all these people here."

We got out of the car and it was really weird 'cause it was dark (Its the night, its suppose to be dark. Duh. But it was a really... forced dark. I dunno.) Anyway, Im just about to head inside when I see all my friends and family and hear a big "Surprise!", following a "Happy Birthday" song afterwards.

I was in tears. And Im wearing this stupid make up. Come on! I don't even wear make up and now there's evidence on the damn camera. Dammit. There was balloons... and food... and my friends.

They told me they started planning this two months ago. I cried again.

I love them. A lot. All of them.


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